The web site is the property of and is run for the members of Chorley Athletic and Triathlon Club ('The Club'). The site does contain user submitted material, which is only vetted after posting. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the web site is error-free and does not contain any obectionable or erroneous material, this cannot be guaranteed and the club cannot accept any responsibility for any effects incurred. If you find any errors or would like any material removed please email the web master with your requested actions.
The web site does not capture or store personal information about its members or visitors to the web site. It does not use cookie technology, and does not track visitors clicks. Messages, blogs, photos and events added by visitors are stored on a database within the web site, but this is only used by the web site and will not be used for any other purposes.
Visitors submitting messages, blogs, images or events are not allowed to post information that may be regarded by the general population as objectionable. Not allowed any content that is obscene, pornographic, or adult in nature, including: photographs, graphics, text, cartoons, comic art, drawings or paintings, bad-taste jokes, links to obscene, pornographic, or adult materials, blatant double entendre or other attempts to hide or misspell content that isn't allowed. Not allowed unacceptable language including profanity, vulgarity, hate or racist speech, disruptive or hostile comments, threats of violence, etc. The web master reserves the right to remove any user-submitted information.
The Club accepts no responsibility for the content of third-party sites followed from links on The Club's web site. Links to other sites will be added for official club sponsors and/or organisations that submit a request by email for approval by the club's management committee.
To view the full privacy document click CAAT Privacy document.